Hi everyone, can you believe we are already into February. where do the days go!!!
Well it’s the 5th Month and we all know that means
Time for a NEW Bizzy Bec’s Challenge.
The challenge for this Month is...... " ALL WHITE except IMAGE" and with Valentines Day just around the corner we would love to see some
"HEARTS" on your creations.......theme by Debra
The Winner of the February Challenge will win...
OK, do we have a treat for you all.
This month there will be " 2 " yes....., 2 winners who will each receive a Fabulous prize from BIZZY BEC'S...
******** 1 fabulous MEMORY BOX DIE each******
wooo hoooo...what a prize.....
If you have not seen these dies then you are truly missing out......
Bec has them for sale over HERE...
so run dont walk to the store , trust me when I say you will want them, they are stunning dies.....and while there dont forget to check out all the other wonderful goodies Bec has for sale.
Just a little bit information we wanted to share with you...
Here at Bizzy Becs Challenges you are more then Welcome to Enter as many of your card creations that you like....the only thing we ask is that please do not back link to older cards already posted, Thankyou.
A HUGE BIG THANK YOU to all everyone who entered our last challenge, the amount of entries has been wonderful, Thankyou for playing along with us.
The Winner of the January Challenge is
KBrandy #4
As this month’s winner we would love you to be our Guest Designer for MARCH, please contact...
Contact Bec at bizzybec@gmail.com to choose your winning Digi’s & don't forget to grab your Winners Button from the sidebar.
Our Top3 for last month’s challenge in no particular order is….
1. Vicki #142
2. Eels #158
3. Julie Jag #90
Well done girls- fabulous cards. Please grab your buttons from the sidebar.
This month we have the lovely Donna of
Craftdee Donna joining us and here is a little blurb about her..
I live in the Northern Suburbs of Perth with my husband of 34-years-this-month and my Jack Russell Rocky. I have two adult sons, but no grandchildren yet.
My lovely husband is so supportive of my craft addiction, yup, I know it's an addiction! I've done MANY crafts over the years, my current passion is cardmaking, The discovery of digital stamps has been of great joy to me and great detriment to my bank account, lol. I love to colour with Copics and am working on colouring with Prismacolor pencils - I'm determined to master it! I don't know what my "style" would be described as, it always involves a lot of colour - making a "White on White" challenge just that for me.... a challenge!
HERE is the DT Girls Samples for Inspiration
As usual the wonderful BB DT have rocked this challlenge and the girls have created some stunning creations to inspire you.
Take care
Bec and the Design Team Girls,xxx