Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's October Already!

Here we are, another new month and only three of them left until 2013! Hard to believe how quickly time is flying by but it is. Today I want to remind you that you still have a couple of days to enter into Bizzy Bec's September challenge which has the theme of creating a card for a male and incorporating a tag.
My card this month uses Whimsy's Wee Stamps Bird Swing. The oval was cut with Nestabilities and the image coloured with Copics. Have a great week and remember, the October challenge is just a few days away!

1 comment:

  1. I love this card Marilyn, I love the colours of the wee birds, so different from the yellow and orange, this is the stars too,and fabulous shape..

    Luv CHRISSYxx


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